School visit

Our Italian Tours Project includes:

  • Visits to Italian schools
    (with consideration given to the Italian academic calendar)
  • Exchanges with Italian schools in various locations (still to be finalized)
  • Italian communication courses to be taken in the morning

Communication Course:
Lessons and Didactic Materials

Teachers who wish to have their students take Italian classes during their trip can request these lessons through Arcobaleno, and we will provide a course specifically suited to their classes’ needs.

Our courses are not dependent upon a homogenous level of ability among students; in other words, students of various levels and capabilities will find a comfortable and active learning environment that fosters communication skills in particular.

The morning lessons are centered around multimedia materials, utilizing a video course that allows for speedy and intuitive learning, and solidified through fun games and activities to be played on students’ computers or smartphones.

To see an example of these materials, you can visit:

The linguistic materials provided in our courses can be grasped by students right away and used while on their trip – our courses provide further enhancement to the full-immersion element of our tours. Some of the students who helped create these videos will even take part in the course, which will certainly provide students further opportunities to communicate with Italians near to them in age. Additionally, at the end of each lesson students will have occasion to solidify what they’ve learned that morning by completing exercises in the workbook created especially for their course.


Lastly, we will assign a teacher who will present:

  • Three types of videos: complete, with subtitles, and without audio (allowing students to complete dialogues independently and without written aids)
  • Various activities to learn Italian vocabulary and grammar
  • Assessments of varying kinds (including games)
  • Group games and activities
  • Meetings with Italian students to communicate in real-life situations
  • Relevant homework assignments in the accompanying workbook