Castelfranco Veneto

The walled city that is linked to Giorgione’s name

Surviving the ravages of history, the high walls of the medieval castle that gave its name to the town in the Treviso region stand imposing and majestic, bearing the memories of battles and rivalries between the powerful communes of Padua, Vicenza, and Treviso.
Castelfranco Veneto is enclosed by this fascinating and well-preserved wall, one of the best-maintained in Italy, where you can still breathe the atmosphere of a rich and historical past. As you wander through the narrow streets, you’ll encounter charming vistas and prestigious buildings such as the Teatro Accademico, designed by the architect Francesco Maria Preti in 1746, and the Monte di Pietà Palace, the sole source of loans for the poor of the city and neighboring villages until the 20th century.
But it is at sunset that Castelfranco displays its most enchanting aspect when the illuminated Castle becomes a fairy-tale presence, best admired while sipping a glass of wine in one of the many establishments on Piazza Giorgione or strolling along the elegant Corso XXIX Aprile, with its historic buildings.
Known worldwide for being the birthplace of Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto lives in the myth of the most extraordinary and enigmatic artist of the 15th century, considered the mysterious genius of light and color, of whom only a few precious works remain.
The residence that hosted this extraordinary figure is now home to the Museo Casa Giorgione, where the Frieze of the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, a unique fresco attributed to him, is preserved. The most renowned work by the Master is the Pala di Castelfranco, which can be admired in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, inside the Costanzo Chapel.
Among the treasures of this enchanting walled town, the Variegated Radicchio of Castelfranco IGP rightfully takes its place. Nicknamed “the flower you can eat” for its beauty, it is celebrated in December during an important exhibition and market. This prized product from the Treviso region’s land is also the focus of the Radicchio Road, an itinerary that includes routes through art, culture, and gastronomy.

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